List request.

Subject: List request.
From: Mark Harrop (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 20:49:11 EET

Hi all...

I am writing to request to be subscribed to both the DESIGN & DEVEL lists.

At the moment I would only be lurking, so as to get the idea of what is 
happening and what work is needed, then  i will offer my services and see if 
they are needed.

I have and use 3DS Max, Poser 4 and Lightwave on the design side. Including, 
of course, Adobe Photoshop for pure painting.

On the design side, I have and use MS C++ and VB. Starting to dabble in the 
usual script languages as well eg. Perl, Python VBscript Tcl/Tk etc.

Hope you will allow me in!!


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