Hi (fwd)

Subject: Hi (fwd)
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 17:24:54 EET

From: JUAN ANTONIO FIGUEROA <juanfig@email.com>
To: dazzt@majik3d.org
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:02:46 -0400
Subject: Hi

Hi, i like thsi proyect, my name is juan figueroam i was in a beta called asheron call, and i like so much that i get interested more in your idea.

i will like to participate in this proyect, and tell you a couple of things.

* Why not using a 3d engine like crystal space!, it's portable, good and in continusos development, and have great features.

* There are a lot of ultima online emulator in witch you can see some good networks models.

* See asheron call, and i thing that is how this proyect will be more like, you can get a lot of ideas from it.

i have some friend that have experience in working with CS engine, and with 3d tecnologie in general, and we can even invite the people from the proyect calle Time City, a open source proyect, that have some in commo with this proyect.

i can help with general ideas, i have C programing experience and 3d little programing, adn i can help in world development, and may be with a world server because i work in a ISP.

thnaks for all


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