Becoming a designer

Subject: Becoming a designer
From: Pekka Toppi (
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 12:22:53 EET

I have followed this project for a while and today I decided I want to
take part of this project.
I have gamemastered several rpgs over the years, including MERP,
Rolemaster, CP 2020, D&D etc. Usually I have created the worlds we have
played and I have always loved it. Infact, I sometimes love making fantasy 
worlds more than mastering campaigns in them. I have created religious
and political structures, as well as social and I'm quite good in
visualising my visions, although I'm not a good artist. I don't know
exactly how to prove that I'm good at it, but it never hurts to try =)

                        Pekka =
			Ei, en ole ottanut laakkeitani
			Ei, en halua niita
			Kylla, olen terve
			Kylla, olen ehja

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