Video Cards and Buillding

Subject: Video Cards and Buillding
From: Ryan Ziolko (
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 01:21:54 EET

Dear Sirs:

I recently came accross your game from Freshmeat... and I have to say it
look good!  My roomates just started getting into Everquest. No linux
version :-(   Your game looks liek the closest thing to Everquest, even
better in some respects.
I am now in the market for a new 3D card for my linux box.  I was
wondering if there is a card you can recomend?  I would like to play your
game with 3D acceleration, but I would also like good 2D performance.
What would be the best card?
Lastly, when do you think building and structions will be enabled?  What
about a method of communicating with other players?

	Ryan Ziolko

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