A suggestion how to promote our RPG sites

Subject: A suggestion how to promote our RPG sites
From: Bernhard Rems (bgrems@netway.at)
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 21:50:10 EEST


first of all, let me introduce ourselves: BlinkingDot Software is a group
of RPG enthusiasts writing a 3D roguelike for Windows. We are working
together since July and, whilst spending about 90% of our time on the game,
also decided to put up a website that deals with the genre in general.

One of the biggest problems we all face is to get our efforts known on the
web. The big game sites don't deal with independent developers, the only
place to get news out to the public is Roguelike news.

We came up with an idea that is neither new nor extremely special, but we
our implementation of this idea is something that could help us all: A
banner exchange.

Stop :-). Before you think: nah, tried that, didn't work, let me explain
why the one we run is different. First: Our banner exchange is strictly for
RPG related banners only. Second: it is, of course, free. Third: it ONLY
shows banners of RPG sites and ONLY on other RPG sites. No ads, no
intention to make money with it. Fourth (and probably most important):
While most other exchanges give you a 2:1 ratio (your banner gets shown for
every two other banners shown on your site), the RPG banner exchange gives
you a 1:1 ratio.

We think this banner exchange would be a great way for all of us to get
traffic from and send traffic to other sites that deal with

To make this banner exchange a success for all members, we invested some
money in a professional system that is hosted on our server. As a member
you will be able to see the exact amount of shows and views, the click
through rate your banner received and more vital statistics. And if you ever
a banner for linkexchange - you can use/reuse it with RPG Banner exchange,
since our banner size is 468x60 pixels (and they are limited to 15k to make
laod fast).

We invite you to take part in our banner rotation. Once again: it is free,
it is fair and - I think - a good way to promote our sites.

If you wish to join, you can go to our site http://blinkingdot.com and sign
up there. However, if you have questions, please feel free to contact us at

Bernhard Rems
BlinkingDot Software

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