[Fwd: Majik: More specific offer of help.]

Subject: [Fwd: Majik: More specific offer of help.]
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 23:31:53 EEST

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project
namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

attached mail follows:

I reread the faq, and that helps me make a more specific offer of help. Would you like creature models in say autocad .dxf format, POVRay source code, Quake .mdl, another geometric form, or just rendered frames? Quake loads models stored as geometry to save space and renders sprites from them as needed, meaning before the player has a chance to find one. It does this at level load time, and probably occasionally elsewhere. Since Majik has no levels, I suggest taking advantage of file system caching algorithms and distance to decide when to render sprites or throw away unused ones. Also, rather than porting to Win95 system calls I recommend running Majik in a Win95 Linux kernel wrapper. It may take up more space, but everything MS is huge, anyway, and Windows is a torturous patchwork of products by bought up companies. As you don't want any more chefs cooking server source, I'll just play with the client (maybe write a local host to torture it) and send you models and demos. By the way, I'm learning Esperanto, does anyone on the team speak it? Best of luck; Majik sounds like a lot of fun! Sincerely, Stephen DiCostanzo _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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