Re: I'm confused

Subject: Re: I'm confused
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 11:52:42 EEST

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Carl Leander wrote:

> Oh god help!

Greetings, Mortal.

> I downloaded all the files now what do I do with them!?! I have a
> windows 98, Pentium 2 system please tell me how to setup the test game I
> really need to know everything, in basic language nothing confusing
> please, I do know what I'm doing with a comp though so I can pretty much
> do whatever you tell me like "go to majik folder in dos, open
> majik.exe...". Please e-mail me back soon I really wanna get playing!

Run the majik3d.exe and everything should work, except that you can't
"play" the game, just idle and talk. 

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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