[Fwd: Majik: CAD, music, graphics, physical science, code]

Subject: [Fwd: Majik: CAD, music, graphics, physical science, code]
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 22:24:38 EEST

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project
namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

attached mail follows:

I'm working on compilers and automatic programming tools, AI which uses simulation for understanding, and tossing around ideas for CAD software that uses automatic methods to ease workload on creators. To give you a general impression of how I think, I'm looking into making points and vectors the stars of my CAD show instead of the usual edges and surfaces. Planes or surfaces don't care about their edges. The user just gives it's "normal vector", which is it's location, direction, and "length". Length can be used in unusual ways. The products are meant to be general purpose, but tell me what you need most and it will provide my projects with some direction. I'll develop first the parts that will help you and donate copies. I'm about to buy an old Mac and eventually cross develop for DOS, WIN, Mac and Amiga, so maybe I and Majik's other coders can collaborate on tools. Sincerely, Stephen DiCostanzo _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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