Hi i was going over the features again of which are pretty good =) (fwd)

Subject: Hi i was going over the features again of which are pretty good =) (fwd)
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 21:12:50 EEST

Kaikenlaisii majik-fanei :)

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project
namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:51:29 -0600
From: Jonathan Koehn <dgkoehn@gbasin.net>
To: Tommi Leino <namhas@majik.netti.fi>
Subject: Hi i was going over the features again of which are pretty good =)

I was wondering though will there be npc that are actually controlled directly by humans.

Also this morning i was in the realm with fog on and came across this beatiful mountain even though it didnt contain any objects yet it was pretty =) it reminds me of a mountain or mountians here where i live =) Keep up the good work
Jonathan at "dgkoehn@gbasin.net"

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