Re: graphics help

Subject: Re: graphics help
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 19:40:59 EEST

David Keene wrote:
> If I can help you out with creating 3D tiles and/or textures, let me know.
> I have experience with 3D studio, but I can learn a new system quickly if
> you need the models in a different format.  Anyway, just thought I'd offer.

Ok. We'll think up some initial project for you. Yes, we use 3DS format
for 3D models, PNG for textures (save as GIF if you can't do PNG). Can
you do other graphics as well, or only textures and 3D models?

If you want to be added to our the team database we'll need your 
net/game/nick or whatever name like I have name "namhas". See for examples, if you don't have one.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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