
Subject: Design
From: Juha Jantunen (
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 13:49:21 EEST


I have been watching the development, re-development and yet more
re-development of Majik for a few incarnations now, and I feel that I
might have something to contribute, if this incarnation turns out to be
the one you're satisfied with. I'm not very advanced in my coding skills,
so I can't help there, which leaves me with some design part as a
possibility. I seem to have too much time and too much imagination (and
fair skills in english) on my hands so I might be able to do something
there. Looking at project status reports, I notice that you have a
shortage in the magic department. I've been interested in the magic of
various RPG systems over the years, and developed little theories of my
own in them, so I might be able to help with Majik's magic as well. If you
feel that I have something to contribute, please contact me with your
thoughts on the matter.

Juha Jantunen           | ========================== Talgor - Janus - Shifter
Keisarinmajantie 4 H 2  | ===== Minna baka. =============== Shadowrun - Magic
48230 Kotka             | ====================== Life - Universe - Everything
Finland                 | ======== Anime - Manga - Babylon 5 - Trek - Sandman           | Jean-Michel Jarre - Bob Marley - Christopher Franke

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