CVS commit(s) by delancie

Subject: CVS commit(s) by delancie
From: Steve Brown (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 21:00:00 EEST

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv3703

Modified Files:
	Input.cpp Object.cpp Object.hpp Protocol.cpp Scene.cpp 
Log Message:
No more public ob_pos - if you wish to change an object's position within
the world you must now use one of the moveTo interfaces.
NOTE:- This may well have broken the penguin image. It may (again) face
180 degrees opposite to what it should - if this happens could someone
tell me and I'll fix it (or can we bin that non-standard ac?? :-))

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