CVS commit(s) by namhas

Subject: CVS commit(s) by namhas
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 06:00:01 EEST

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1382

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added Steve.

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1391

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Careful delancie what to commit :) The best way to avoid committing the rc
file is to place it to ~/ or /etc

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1418

Modified Files:
	Object.cpp Protocol.cpp 
Log Message:
Cleaned the protocol a little bit more.

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1443

Modified Files:
	Protocol.cpp Protocol.hpp 
Log Message:
parseCommand now uses #define's for protocol commands.

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1449

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Removed unnecessary endl.

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src/doc
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1757/doc

Log Message:
Directory /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src/doc added to the repository

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/tmp/cvs-serv1778

Modified Files:
	Config.cpp Config.hpp Debug.cpp Debug.hpp Display.hpp 
	Error.hpp Input.hpp Landscape.cpp Landscape.hpp 
	Mapquad.hpp Menu.hpp Object.hpp Perlin.cpp Perlin.hpp 
	Protocol.hpp Scene.hpp Socket.hpp main.cpp 
Log Message:
Cleaned up the code somewhat and added /** */ and /// so the doc++ software
can generate documentation of the code automatically. In makefile there
is now a new target: "make autodoc", you can use it to generate the
documentation to src/doc directory. You'll need to get the software first

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Tue Feb 12 2002 - 00:00:27 EET