Re: Socket/protocol/packet/etc ramblings

Subject: Re: Socket/protocol/packet/etc ramblings
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 17:34:57 EEST

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Tommi Leino wrote:

> But can UDP survive through masquerading firewalls? And it is not
> so rare to block all UDP ports anyways... Otherwise this would
> indeed work.

We can make a small protocol abstraction layer (PAL ;) that can use either
TCP or UDP and let the user select the protocol. Then the networking code
doesn't need to care about protocols, we can use the same approach with
both protocols. TCP just has more overhead in the protocol-level.

| Jari Saukkonen + : coral   -.
| programming            music          graphics | dolphin   :
| art                  keyboards             web | nah-kolor |
| Babylon5-inspired 'shadow function'        0 <= t <= 4*pi/3
:  x(t) =   (sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3sin 8t) cos (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)
.  y(t) = +-(sin 8t)^2 * (5 + 3cos 8t) sin (t/2 + (sin 8t)^2)

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