CVS commit(s) by namhas

Subject: CVS commit(s) by namhas
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Mon Aug 30 1999 - 15:00:00 EEST

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/server/src
In directory majik:/majik/home/namhas/cvs/majik/majik3d/server/src

Modified Files:
	Interactive.cpp Living.cpp Object.cpp Protocol.cpp Sukka.cpp 
Log Message:
Fixed segfault on exit.

Update of /majik/cvsroot/majik3d/client/src
In directory majik:/majik/home/namhas/cvs/majik/majik3d/client/src

Modified Files:
	Object.cpp Object.hpp Protocol.cpp Scene.cpp 
Log Message:
Now it is possible to getRadius() from objects and thus the text is now
centered on top of the objects and other nice things.

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