DYNAMIC MODELLING OF TREES Here are some basic treetypes that can be easily generated with software (ideas ripped from various games etc ;) A simple conifer tree (fir-tree) Side view: /\ /||\ //||\\ <- //||\\ <- layers of 'stuff' / || \ <- || <-- trunk Top view: /\ / \ / \ / /\ \ / `~~' \ /__________\ Trunk is a simple (3 triangles), narrowing to the top. If we need to twist the trunk it can be splitted in various points if necessary, totaling three triangles per segment. The layers of "leaves" originate from the same height to all directions at some intervals, as in RL conifer trees. Each layers' texture is a partly transparent greenish texture simulating the "leaves" on the tree. Depending on the amount of layers, the total polygon count for conifer tree will be 3*TRUNK SEGMENTS + 3*LEAF LAYERS. With this we should be able to get nice trees using only 15 triangles (one trunk segment, four layers) Not that simple deciduous tree ("apinanleipäpuu-model") Side view ========||==== ====||========== <- stuff layers ======||== || || || <- trunk Top view +------------------+ | | | /\ | | ~~ | +------------------+ This model is a bit more complicated, but it looks very good when viewed from the ground (heavy gear 2 uses this treetype). Again, the basic trunk with three polygons, and then the not so basic stuff layers. This time they are horizontal, consisting of two polys each. However, as the trunk is much more visible than in the conifer tree model, it needs some "twisting" to look good. One could expect a decent-looking tree with a bit over 20 polys. ++ Dazzt @ 31.8.1999