GLARROK -------- Perhaps Glarrok is the strangest being on Majik, having a story that is so amazing that one could expect from such a race. These bioengineers are a helpful but at the same time, a very perfectionistic people, changing information between races and developing their own according to the new information. The Build --------- The Glarrok is an amorphous creature, about 3 feet wide amoeba- like entity. It is a construct made of sentient living cells, and these cells, are no smarter than a bacteria, but very goal-seeking. And when every cell of the creature has the set goal, their intellect rises a grand step forward, being an organized, one being. Every Glarrok is also a living miniature model of the whole Glarrok-civilization. Stats ----- Because the Glarroks are amorphous beings, they can morph themselves so, that the determination of its abilities is not easy. Senses ------ Glarrok has all five active senses, and the outer cells have the mission to transmit the effect of touching and feeling into the nerve center of the being. Some cells can perform as a nasal sensors, some as the hearing system etc. The creature can, at will, seal off any one or every sense, by giving orders to the cells working on the task to perform new ones. The Society ----------- In the world, Glarrok is a being, that has lost the difference between "manufacturer" and "machine". Being an amorphous race, many are genetically programmed to stay in a certain form, suited always to work in one way or another for the godly being, the prime. So, Glarrok can be looked at like it would be a machine, even by which term it would call even itself. Glarrok does not recognize the difference between the individual and the people. They believe that there is only ONE Glarrok, being a part of a larger entity, which they are one part of. The other races are as very much a mystery to the Glarroks as the Glarroks are to the other races. Glarroks are very interested in individualism seen in the other races. They set humans and such to the same level as Glarroks, but not like them, people die fast and still act like the Glarroks, forming communities, which are operated by exact, lawful hierarchy. So, humans and the other races share some very unknown place between the Glarroks' "godly entity" and the one single piece, Glarrok, separated from this supreme being. " When you look into one Glarrok, you'll see them all "