Naming systems vary widely in the Majik world, with many local customs being commonly followed. Player characters may carry one- or two-part names, nick names, titles, or pseudonyms in their career. General guidelines on naming are as follows. COMMON HUMANITY: The greater bulk of humanity takes a single name, such as Croal or Thertrys, with a secondary name added if there is confusion, either from profession (Croal the Fighter), location (Croal of Silvercreek), or lineage (the latter in particular if some legendary figure was in family line, such as Croal, Grandson of Aredhel the Sage). In addition, a name may be added for a physical condition, such as "Blackmane" or "Firehair", or for some legendary or extraordinary event. (there are a large number of "Trollkillers" in the Majik, more a credit to the numbers of the monsters, rather than the prowess of their slayers.) Young children are given a pet name or diminutive that is sometimes retained, but more often than not dropped upon adulthood (Thertrys and Belinda's daughter is named Sherri, but that may change when he reaches his majority). A wedded couple sometimes takes a common name, which may be his or hers (particularly when dealing with nobility) or be a new name entirely. In the course of a lifetime, average humans can take and discard several surnames, keeping their given names throughout. Name Examples: Redthorn of Firehill, Gardax the fierce and Thorbrin Alastar Icehair. HUMAN NOBLES AND GENTRY: Noble and landed individuals tend to retain the family name, a name usually derived from the individual who established the family's fame, position, or prowess. Such names are retained even after the nobility has fallen from grace or power. Again, special additional names for events or appearances are common. Name Examples: Hyara Talmost, Bleskos Wavesilver, Hulraven Helmfast and Marle Thunderstaff. HUMAN WIZARDS: Mages tend to eschew long titles and names, and the general feeling is that a wizard's fame should precede him or her, such that a single mention of the name is sufficient, and no one would doubt the speaker was referring to anyone else but the genuine article. For example, there may well be an Namhas the Barber or an Namhas of Silvercreek, but a reference to Namhas (or the even more modest "Namhas the Sage") refers to the advisor without peer who resides in Silvercreek. Name examples: Verdann the Black, Morin of the Three Towers and Sardumar the Wise. HUMAN PRIESTS: Identifications of the faiths of the realms are usually included in a name, supplanting any family or noble names. Domaster, a cleric of Dazzt, can be referred to as Domaster of Dazzt without incident. In higher church circles and matters involving leaders of particular temples or faiths, the full title is important, such as Naxatilor of Sinister, High Patriarch of Silvercreek. ELVES AND HALF-ELVES: The People have family names that they tend to translate back into common as nicknames, so that there are families of Strongbows and Starglows in the world. Such family names are important in that elven siblings can be hundreds of years apart in age. Half-Elves takes elven or human naming fashions, depending on where they were raised, and may change back and forth several times in the human fashion. Elven names, although they often sound somewhat similar, are all individual. No two elves have ever shared the same name, save as a matter of choice, for elves are far too individualistic to stoop to using identical names for their children. Elves prefer names that flow off the tongue like wind through trees. Sibilants and "th" sounds are common, as are others of the softer consonants. Occasionally, to add interest to a name, elves will include a hard consonant, such as a "k" or a "t." Overall, they prefer to allow the name to remain fluid and melodic, much like their language. Name Examples: Aerilaya, Ahskahala Durothil, Alinar Le'Quella, Elasha Evanara, Ilyrana, Karse'lyn Lylyl-Lytherraias, Keryth Lamruil and Lysanthir Korianthil. DWARVES: Dwarves have a very strong sense of their past and the heroes in their families. They carry only a first name, followed by the qualifier of heritage. The lowest dwarves attach themselves to their state of hold, such as Mongor of the Iron House. Dwarves with a dwarf of renown in their heritage may use the appellation "son of" or "grandson of" (or "daul" or "grandaul" for females) such as Thelarn, son of Mongor. Beyond two generations, the phrase "blood of" is used, but only for the greatest dwarven leaders, as in Nor, blood of Darkukk, King-in-Exile of the Iron House. Name examples: Norim Bloodaxe, Dwin - blood of Belo Orcslayer, Gilur Skullmasher and Dorila, wife of Kilor Cavedweller, blood of Harum. GNOMES: These quiet people use both given and surnames, and maintain long-standing family ties, such that a third name, for location, may be necessary. For example, outside of his homeland, Wysdor Sandminer may have to be known as Wysdor Sandminer, of the Sandminers of Silvercreek to avoid constant discussions with other gnomes who may or may not be close relations. Name examples: Kappelkourt, Lafftalligon, Astrolacyll, Pipwhistlion, Kwilliticutti, Mastacalatl and Barackathal. HALFLINGS: Halflings are similar to the gnomes in the fact that they use both given and surnames, but both those names may change over time and be overappended with nicknames for adventures, physical abilities, and pet or diminutive names. In addition, the original names may be lost behind a maze of pseudonyms and false backgrounds. For example, the halfling Corkitron Allinamuck chose both first and last names (his parents were named Burrows), and goes by the diminutive Corky and the nickname "High Roll." Name examples: Glenvius Lindendale, Gwiston Shortwick, Lucretia, Hofflik Kaese, Blythi Kalliwart, Gammer Bandawax, Lily Hectare and Filbert the Trader. OTHER RACES: Most of the other races make do with a single name and further clarification as needed (a centaur named Aldophus may be called Aldophus the Roan, for example). Orcs and goblins tend to use proper names only when they need to, the rest of time using a native word that translates as "Hey, you!" in everyday speech (a true speaker of the orcish tongue can put a great deal of venom behind the word, such that fights can start in bars at its mention).