Re: Origins run deep

Subject: Re: Origins run deep
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 14:16:02 EET

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, joshua 'hook' corning wrote:
> > Actually im using linux red hat 6.0. And i wrote every e-mail i ever
> > sent to on this platform.  They work great on my computer.
> > Does your computer not read html?
> I run linux at home comp. but this is where i read my mail from :
> Linux atom 2.2.10 #1 Thu Aug 26 15:41:04 EEST 1999 i586 unknown
> And i use pine. And it doesnt support those plain html remarks that are
> just typed into the mail, it DOES support direct html tags however (like
> the ones Eleril is using)
> .m

I go to school at the UW where pine is made and maintained so i do have
some experience using it. I think you can configure pine to read plain
html remarks. When in pine choose configure then scroll down to viewer
options. Turn on enable-msg-view-urls. I think this is the one that does
it. But it could be one of the other choices so fiddle around with it.
My suggestion would be to enable all the viewer options. and see if you
can link to plain html posts. then shut them off one by one until you
figure out which one does it. Anyway just a suggestion

Joshua 'hook' corning

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