Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal

Subject: Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal
From: Pekka Toppi (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 10:04:44 EET

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Atte Koivula wrote:

> > OKay, not stronger. But since the evil gods prevented new gods from
> > fighting these mages, they had to have more power. But if Dazzt was the
> > only one fighting, it would be clear that evil gods would have the
> > advantage.
> The evil gods ARE more powerful than the new gods, of course, as all the
> evil gods atm are elder gods as in NOT new gods.
 Uhm. Right. I just meant that evil gods would have to have enough power
to fight the new gods despite of the resistance from Dazzt, who is an
elder god. whatever. this conversation has no point =)

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