Re: Map color codes

Subject: Re: Map color codes
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 23:25:16 EET

Atte Koivula wrote:
> Could someone point me to the color codes of the Majik worldmap, ie.
> what color stands for rainforest/swamp/what-have-you, preferably in .gif
> or .jpg due to my inability to view most .pngs.
> Thank you,
> Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

I put up a .tif at

Im the one who mad alot of the .png maps and the color_chart. I am using
Gimp to maniputate and save them as .png i can view them on my girl
freinds wintel box with netscape 4.5 and on my freinds mac using
photoshop 3.0 LE and netscape 4.6

Is anyone else having trouble viewing my .pngs they are as follows
torell.png althainon.png nalor_thaan.png color_chart.png

Joshua 'hook' corning

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