Re: Region?!?

Subject: Re: Region?!?
From: Mika Rantanen (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 18:22:30 EET

>I would like to work on the Dardalon  region/kingdom, Covewood and Swamp

I have no objections... but what regions are still undeveloped and without
a developer/designer? Any up-to-date list?


|\  /|_|\    __  _
| \/ |_| |/\/  \| |  Mika 'Falkoni' Rantanen
|    | |   / /\   |  MAIL:
| || | |  \| \/   |  ICQ#: 23401319
|_||_|_|_|_\\__/|_|  WWW:

   <freetime deity>

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