PNG images

Subject: PNG images
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 14:16:57 EEST

If someone is able to open the PNG images in the Majik ftp
site (/open/hook/maps, /incoming), could you please upload 
standardized/working versions of them (in JPEG perhaps), as 
I was unable to open them with any of the software I have 
available, including:

- Adobe Photoshop 5.0
- Corel Draw/PhotoPaint 8.0 
- Paint Shop Pro 6.0
- GroupWise Image Editor 5.5
- Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0
- Browsers (Netscape, IE, Opera)

Thank you.

/Atte \"Yorkaturr\" Koivula <>
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