Hi... new person on the list.

Subject: Hi... new person on the list.
From: Mika Rantanen (falkoni@nic.fi)
Date: Sun Oct 03 1999 - 14:40:19 EEST

Hi. So... I'm new guy on this list and on the world designer team, and
Namhas asked me to send here a mail and introduce myself and tell what I
could do.

Ok, so lets start with introducing.
As everybody probably notices, my name is Mika Rantanen and I use alias
Well, I'm almost 18 years old (young) male from Finland, Kokkola (if anyone
know where it is :). Righ now I'm a student and I study in Kokkolan
yhteislyseon lukio.
And... if you are so interested about who I am, go check my homepages at

Then, what could I do?
Well, that's a hard one, because I don't know exactly what there is to be
done. So if someone could tell me a bit about what you world designers do
and what's left for me to do. :-)
And btw. is there a good big map of Majik's world anywhere? I found one
from Namhas' homepages but I couldn't copy it to my computer so that I
could examine it later.
(I think it was some kind of java/javascript map... am I right?)


|\  /|_|\    __  _
| \/ |_| |/\/  \| |  Mika 'Falkoni' Rantanen
|    | |   / /\   |  MAIL: falkoni@nic.fi
| || | |  \| \/   |  ICQ#: 23401319
|_||_|_|_|_\\__/|_|  WWW:  http://www.nic.fi/~falkoni/

   <freetime deity>

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