Fw: designing a race

Subject: Fw: designing a race
From: Jonathan Koehn (dgkoehn@gbasin.net)
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 04:04:38 EEST

Heres some names Dezlaneans, Dethzaes, Dethzealtians, if none of these seem
ok please give me some other names. This should be a low population race
having only been in existens
for not much more then 100 years when the Father elf Wizard and Mother dwarf
sorceress moved here to escape from the ridicule of thier people for their

Also is it ok Namhas, Yorkaturr, Beregar, Harums, and Mandor if i design
this race for  this
Jonathan at "dgkoehn@gbasin.net"
----- Original Message -----
From: joshua <hook@u.washington.edu>
To: <majik-design@majik.netti.fi>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: designing a race

> Jonathan Koehn wrote:
> >
> > I would like to design Dethzael with this race if this is
> > ok. Unless this region has been choosen already.
> > This is just my starting ideas ive got a ways to go.
> >
> > Location: Skyghaim | Region: Dethzael
> > Race:(Dwelvens) or (Dwarvens) a race that is descendant
> > from elven and dwarf.
> >   They are known to be a magical race. Their
> > ancestors chose this place for its 4 elements
> > the sea=water element, the artic= ice element, the
> > praire=fire element and Skyghaim= earth element.
> > Their town of Grimryn is set by the Lake of the 4 Elements.
> > Which has streams flowing to or from 3 elements. And the four
> > is the land which the town was built upon.
> Before you start be sure to get permission. New races seem to be a
> touchy spot with a lot of the designers and developers. If you get
> Namhas's Yorkaturr's Beregar's Harum's and Mandor's permission i think
> you will be ok or at least a majority of their permission. They seem to
> be the most active and are in my opinion the lead people. I am ok with
> your race desc but im just a new guy like you and I have stuck to humans
> which no one seems to care about. :)
> Ok, You should probably get information and permission from Yorkaturr
> who designed dwarfs and from Mandor who designed elves. I think you
> should come up with a different name though i mean dwarves and elves
> aren't even called dwarfs and elves. Be sure to read the descs for elves
> and dwarves on the mail list. Also read the Torell desc they will be
> neighbors and its important to keep things integrated. There are also
> trolls just north of Dethzael so you should read up on them as well.
> Personally i saw the eastern part of the continent of Minartan as fairly
> unpopulated so try to keep the population low leave lots of wild places
> in Dethzeal. This is just a suggestion though. If everyone agrees on
> having your race then its yours to design.
> Below i am putting the basic format in which races and regions should be
> described as. If you have a problem or need help or just want someone
> else to do some of the work for you i will be happy to fill that spot.
> Basically Beregar does this i think but he is busy with school (i hope
> you don't mind Beregar :) ) well here is the basic format
> Region desc format
> <region name>
>         1. Description
>         2. Climate
>         3. Flora
>         4  Fauna
>         5. History
>         6. Geography
>         7. Cities/Landmarks
> PC race desc format
> <Race name>
> 1. Introduction
>         2. Appearance
>         3. History
>         4. Culture
>         5. Religion
>         6. Language
>         7. <homeland>
>         8. Role-playing
> Be sure to look at other more complete race/region desc's to get an idea
> in what should be put under each of the headings. One more thing use
> metric system I posted a conversion table if you have a problem with
> this.
> Joshua
> hook@u.washington.edu

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