Re: Althainon in a nut shell

Subject: Re: Althainon in a nut shell
From: hook (
Date: Tue Aug 24 1999 - 23:25:53 EEST

Atte Koivula wrote:
> I have but one comment: Orcs live in the burning ash wastes
> of Tragothar.
> _/_
> /Atte \"Yorkaturr\" Koivula <>
>  ---------------------------------------------------------
>  Tämä viesti on lähetetty Saunalahden Serverin Webmailista
>  osoitteesta:

Yes they do live there but they like to attack their neighbors.
Althainon is the closest neighbor without a mountain range separating
it. Also during the Antrok season (winter fall) Althainon has a similar
environment to Tragothar.


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