Subject: Suggestion
From: Beregar (
Date: Fri Aug 06 1999 - 21:02:23 EEST
I have a suggestion...or more like a request. All those who are making a race should also make their homelands, this might seem obvious, but we (me and McDuff) alrea dy started to make "Regions in Short" file which was quite stupid. So for example when i make Brahjians and they live in Ghalimcar desert, I have to also make descs for Ghalimcar desert and when Mandor is making elves who live in both Sol'Daran and Beheran, he must make those areas (or get so meone else to make them). When we have everything ready we will gather everything to larger files. Regions should include at least following things: Short Description As Namhas wrote short desc should give overall description of the area. Please be true to map terrain when descriping nature. (though i suppose map can be changed too) Climate Climate in the area, you can use either the one in my climate desc (i don't recommend) or make own. We should make climates quite similar in close areas. Other Descriptions Other desc are for example following things: - extended area/climate desc - history of the area - sentinent races - resources - flora - fauna - landmarks, monuments, cities etc I think these are quite self explanotary. Landmarks will ease players to recognize areas, monuments might be some ruins of an cient city etc. Cities should contain list of villages, cities town..everything which is build by somebody. I (or somebody el se) will later later gather all flora, fauna and resources to larger lists so they are required. History of area is quite im portant too, has anything significant happened in area? like ar rival/birth of race, cataclysm, magical event. Use imagination when you make titles but remember that everyone should have same titles then. I'll require at least resource, flora, fauna lists (probably history too). Area map This would be nice to have. It doesn't have to be very detailed or it could be a capture from our larger map. Everything I mentioned here should be in one file from where they can be easily cut or copied out. I think for example short desc or climate desc should be cut out from the file and long desc have more detailed versions of those...but it's your decission. If people don't sign on this list in a week (ot they take only few races/places) i'll send a mail to majik-users and recruit designers from there. I attached here a list where are most of the regions. If you want add more feel free to make so and send list back to me. I have placed name of race where there is one and creator of that race after it that creator is responsible for creation of previosly listed things and if he's not willing to make them, then he must reqruit someone to do them. If you don't want name of you race revealed place *hidden* in it. I'll send also my weather descs, as I said you can use them but I suggest you make new ones. IF YOU MAKE CHANGES TO REGIONS LIST, SEND NEW VERSION TO ME! P.S. Hopefully this mail isn't too badly messed up Regions to Desc r = reserved - Arctic - Western Mals (Ice Elves - Mandor) - Zimr - Mal Tikh - Barren Isles and Northern Minartan - Mal Yirith (Necrolytes - Malekith) - Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia - Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap) - Minartan - Sol'daran r Western isles (*hidden* - Beregar) - Terrenir - Meral & Gwaelmar (Dwarves) - Chain of the Sledgehammer - Puce Mountains - Chain of Eldhelomin - Thalamon - Tacit Forest - Prairie of Dhyrin - Lake Lokhmar - Groaning Forest - Dethzael - Skyghaim - Mountains of Eclipse - Swamp of Enmity - Dardalon - Swamp of Pelnor - Covewood Mountains - Eastern Minartan Isles - Lanuin (Dark Elves - Mandor) r Torell - (Fisher People - Beregar) - The Reef Isles - Beheran, Filas and Hamil (High Elves - Mandor) - Central Waters - Sea of Tears - Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor) - Isles of Vram - Nemen - Sea of Niral - Vestian - Voran - Black Waste - Tulmarun - Ur Alif (Djasim) - Estrean - Mantle Mountains - Nalor Thaan -Thjarr - Marmundi - Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind - Gean - Eldiron r Ghalimcar r Desert of Brahjian (Brahjian - Beregar) r Chain of Bared r Chain of Harand r Zamurdi - Thasia & Lamarhen - Pristine Forest - Mountains of Umalin - Lamarhen Lakes - Azure Lakes - Lake of Memories - Gwelthor - Valiar & Areon - Nin'calaris & Danheir - Tragothar & Althainon (Orcs - ?) - Waste of Burning Ash - Gorr - Cawing Mountains - Pumice Mountains - Sea of Flames - Sea of Tranis - Crescent Isles r Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar) - Grey Ocean - Outer Sea - Borak 1 Arctic 1.1 Western Mals & Zimr 1.2 Mal Tikh 1.3 Barren Isles and Northern Minartan 1.4 Mal Yirith 1.5 Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia 1.6 Mountains of the Malediction 2 Minartan 2.1 Sol'daran and islands to west 2.2 Terrenir 2.3 Meral & Gwaelmar 2.4 Chain of Eldhelomin 2.5 Thalamon 2.6 Dethzael 2.7 Dardalon 2.8 Eastern Minartan Isles 3 Central Waters 3.1 Sea of Tears 3.2 Quiet Sea 3.3 Sea of Niral & Vestian 4 Voran 4.1 Black Waste 4.2 Mantle Mountains 4.3 Nalor Thaan 4.4 Marmundi 4.5 Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind 5 Eldiron 5.0 Ghalimcar 5.1 Thasia & Lamarhen 5.2 Gwelthor 5.3 Valiar & Areon 5.4 Nin'calaris & Danheir 5.5 Tragothar & Althainon 5.6 Sea of Flames 5.7 Sea of Tranis 5.8 Grey Ocean 5.9 Outer Sea 1 ARCTIC Arctic is a large mostly homogeneous area in climatic terms which consists of northern parts of Mi nartan, Western Mals, Zimr, Mal Tikh and the Barren Isles. Common for whole arctic is very cold climate and weather which stays unchangeable in large areas. Temperatures in the glaciers vary bet ween -32 and -70 degrees. Generally areas which have sea climate has smaller temperature changes between summer and winter but they tend to be warmer than those areas with continental climate. Northern parts have very clear weather because of lack of clouds but southern parts tend to be un der constant rain, sleet and/or snowstorms. 1.1 Western Mals & Zimr Western Mals consists of everything north of the Sea of Berain and west from the Sea of Ghaan. Be cause of the sea, the temperature remains colder than in the Eastern Arctic. Average temperature in glaciers remains between -42 in midsummer and -50 in midwinter but gets warmer in tundra where at least two summer months have average temperature over 10 degrees. In north snowfall remains below 100mm in the whole year which makes glaciers small and thin, but closer to the enchanted area the amount of rainfall grows vastly to the point where only three sum mer months have any chances for dry days. Mal Aidel has an especially thin and clear glacier due the underwater volcano which melts the glacier in the south and breaks it in the smaller pieces which flow towards Mal Yargoth and Mal tikh with current. Storms and rain are almost daily occurrences in the border of the Arctic and enchanted area which generally means the southern parts of Isles of Mal Yei and Zimr. Heavy winds are most common in winter, especially in the Sea of Berain, southern parts of Isles of Mal Yei, Mal Aidel, Mal Ishua northern Zimr, coasts of Mal Yargoth and eastern coast of Mal Gatayi. Otherwise Northern parts tend to have calm standing and clear weather. 1.2 Mal Tikh Mal Tikh is situated in the sea of Ghaan between the land of the trolls and the land of the ice el ves. It has dry cold sea climate and bitter bitter winds which blow towards south. The northern si de is absolutely inpenetrable - the winds kill all who try and venture beyond the midpoint of the island. Average temperature in the area varies between -35 and -47 though it often feels much col der because of heavy winds. As in other glacier areas, weather in Mal Tikh tends to be very clear and dry. 1.3 Barren Isles Barren isles are glacier isles located in north from Minartans arctic areas. They are surrounded by strong current caused by small high-pressure area that resides in the isles. This high-pressu re area causes heavy winds which breaks glacier around the isles preventing them from connecting with other parts of minartans northern arctic. Because of this, the sea around the isles if full of both small and large icebergs which current moves in circular motion around the isles. Winds and northern location keeps temperature very low ranging from -45 to -56. 1.4 Mal Yirith Mal Yirith is source of most northern winds which cause rains in Thalamon, Pelnor and other parts of Minartan. Weather in Mal Yirith is very cold and windy especially in southern tundras. Snow storms are not uncommon in Mal Yirith though southern parts tend to have larger snowfall than nort hern parts which are located quite far from warm southern areas. Besides Myrrgor and Skalvind, Mal Yirith is only area which has natural phenomenon called white tornado which are also much more stronger than in previous places. Because of continental climate temperature in the area varies ve ry much between summer and winter - average temperature in glaciers is usually -32 in summer but raises over -60 in winter. In southern tundras temperature varies between +5 and -34. Winds and snow tend to be very strong in winter when temperature difference between southern Minartan and Mal yirith is largest. 1.5 Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia Myrrgor, Skalvind and Erythia are home of three weak high-pressure areas which separated from each others by frozen rivers. Small pressure differences between these areas cause winds in their bor ders and they are main reason for white tornadoes which sometimes travel along the river lines Be cause of Arctic continental climate weather changes between summer and winter are larger than in the western mals also winters tend to be colder. However southern location gives this area more higher average temperature than in the mals. Temperature in these areas changes between -32 and -64 degrees. Winds lack power of those in Mal Yirith because mountains of the malediction keep cold air separa ted from warm southern areas. Winds are especially weak in the central parts of Myrrgor, Skalvind and Erythia because they are in the centre of these pressure areas. Only areas which have heavy winds and storms are mountains of the malediction and pass between Myrrgor and Dhyrin. Snowfall is more common in the area than other glaciers but still smaller than in the Mal Yirith. It is most frequent near the southern parts large rivers and mountains of the maledictions, other wise climate is too dry for any snowfall. 1.6 Mountains of the Malediction Mountains of the Maledictions are long very high mountain chain which separates arctic areas Myrr gor, Skalvind and Erythia from rest of the continent. Weather in the mountains is known to be very cold and northern slopes of the mountains have often heavy snowstorms because of adequate snowfall which has covered northern slopes in thick snowy layer. However when mountains reach point where clouds are below them weather changes even more freezing and windy but snowlayer grows very thin because of drynes of the air. Slopes facing southern Minartan tend to be very stormy and windy li ke the northern slopes but those storms are thunderstorms which have almost no rain making sout hern slopes pale because of lack of vegetation. Temperature in the northern slopes varies between -43 and -58, temperature drops even more freezing in higher varying between -52 and -78 but raises warmer in southern slopes where it changes between -32 and -9. 2 MINARTAN Minartan is a large continent which has wide variety of different weather types. Western parts are inhabitated by wood elves who have created magical field that allows them to control weather in Sol'Daran area. Western sea seems to be affected by this magical field for it is enveloped in ever lasting fog. Terennir area is still partially affected by magical field which is reason for its mild, rainy weather. Meral has warm sub-tropical climate and Zimr has very stormy, windy and cold tundra climate. Eastern parts of Minartan have mainly cold, sub-polar climate in north but tempera ture grows steadfastly warmer in south and Pelnor and southern parts of Terennir have already hot tropical climate. Temperature in the whole area varies between -35 and 45 degrees. 2.1 Sol'Daran & Western isles Just below the mountains of solace and the west from chain of Eldhelomin there is a large enhanted weather area which covers the Elven lands and the islands in the west side of continent. Elven Druids keep weather in this area calm and hospitable, changing the weather by adjusting the flow of magic throughout the atmosphere, according to the needs of the land and people. It is often very difficult to predict weather unless you have enviromental knowledge. Druids keep average temperature usually close to 15 degrees in winter and 25 degrees in summer. Storms and hea vy winds are rare, but rainfall is quite common in the Elven lands. Rain and winds are rare in wes tern Sea of Tears, which is covered by an eternal fog, though islands on the sea tend to escape the fog and, although colder than in Sol'Daran, have fairly temperate climate. 2.2 Terennir Terennir is located southeast from the elven lands. Although it doesn't belong to areas where el ven druids control weather it is still partially affected by same magical field. Because no-one controls remnants of field in the area it ocassionally tends to cause some very unpredictable changes in weather and enviroment. Normally weather in the area is very warm and humid, although not as warm as in the Pelnor area. However magical field has sometimes sort of magical "turbulences" which can quickly change weather in small areas, bright summer day may suddenly turn to snow storm or one area may have 30 degrees temperature and sun shigning and another area few meters away from it -20 degrees and hailstorm. These oddities affect not only weather in there area but also wildlife and plants for example sud den magical tornado can travel through area and turn all rocks to flowers. However these oddities are quite rare and usually weather remains in its normal humid rainy state. Average temperature va ries normally between 10-30 in summer months and between (-3)-18 in winter months. 2.3 Meral & Gwaelmar Meral is quite similar to Terennir, but Sol'Darans magical field has no effect here meaning that although weather is normally more changable it lacks magical oddities. Mountains shelter Meral ef ficiently from heavy winds resulting drier summers and wetter winters: rainfall is under 30mm in midsummer and over 90mm in midwinter. Average temperature in winter is cooler than in Terennir, varying between -5 to 12, although summers are warmer, with the average temperature being 30. Gwaelmar region is close to Pelnor area making it sub-tropical area. Gwaelmar is mostly dominated by mountains and highlands. Eastern slopes of these mountains have very high rainfall because of monsone. Because these mountains are very high these rains turn eventually snow and that's why Chain of sledgehammer has one of the most thickest snow cover in the Majik. Southern parts of moun tains as well as those facing towards Thalamon have often strong storms which makes them quite dan gerous to across and many travellers prefer to try "the Great pass" which is located in northern parts of Meral and Gwaelmar. Temperature in the eastern Gwaelmar remain always between 20-30 deg rees but drops quickly to -10-(-25) in high mountains. Meral and Gwaelmar has one area which has completely different weather from all other parts and it is the great mountain lake, Gwaelfjir. This large lake is situated 600 feet above sea level and is surrounded on all sides by the sledgehammer peaks. Weather in the area remains clear and sunny 3/4 of the year and then suddenly turns to extremely wet and rainy in early autumn. Most rain appears either as snow or sleet which quickly raises water level of the lake causing floods in Meral. Ave rage temperature in the area varies between -20 in winter to 8 in summer and early autumn. 2.4 Chain of Edhelomin Chain of Edhelomin is a mountain chain located between Sol'Daran and Thalamon. Weather in these mountains changes often. Northern and eastern slopes have cool rainy weather, weather in western slopes is still partially under field which controls weather in elven lands and weather in there remains usually quite warm and humid as well in the southern parts which are located in Terennir area. Unfortunately this all ends higher in the mountains when all previous weather mix together causing very unstable quickly changing weather. Weather in the high mountains can be first sunny and then suddenly turn to raging wind, snow, thunder or rainstorm, also temperature changes are large between summer and winter varying between 18 and -35 even in the highest peaks. In winter mountains have thick layer of snow except in most southern parts because of frequent snowfall but this usually changes in summer when rain and warm weather melts snow in all but the most northern regions making rivers running to lake of thoughts flood. Eldhelomin area has very high residual energy and it's air is filled with tiny reddish particles from red stone of the mountains which heavy winds raise in the air. These two things together cause air, as well as, storms, lightnings, rain and snow in the mountain have blood red color. 2.5 Thalamon Weather in the dense Tacit Forest is always wet and stormy, with strong winds and heavy rain being the main cause of the thick leaved, tough evergreens flourishing so famously in this area. Not on ly the Tacit forest has this cold, wet climate, Delgrain as well as the northern faces of Eldhelo min and the Great Lake are also subject to this weather. Average temperature in the north western parts is under -10 in the coldest winter month and over 10 in the warmest summer month. Weather in prairie of Dhyrin is quite opposite to Tacit Forest. Although they are located next to eachothers Prairie has very small rainfall. There are two reason for this, first is the Mountains of Malediction which prevent cold air from entering north and thus heavy winds and second, which is direct concecuence for this, is standing high pressure which causes rains in areas around the prairie but makes prairie itself dry. Because of it's northern location temperature in Dhyrin is quite low - average temperature varies between 15 degrees in summer and -18 in winter. Weather around the lake of Lokhmar is quite wet and temperate, and rainfall increases further south. The climate eventually turns milder and the most southern parts or Minartan it is sub-tropi cal. Average temperatures in summer grows steadfastly from 18 near the lakes to over 30 near Darda lon and Pelnor. Large forest and plains areas located southwest and west from Lake Lokhmar have fertile humid climate because the north wind meets the southern monsoon in the summer and cause ex tremely heavy rains and storms. However weather in winter is much calmer because the mon soon mo ves southwards towards Pelnor. Average temperature in winter varies from -15 near the lakes to 18 near Dardalon and Pelnor. 2.6 Dethzael Weather in Skyghaim is very cold all around the year, with the temperature in the western parts sneaking above 10 celcius only for four months in the middle of summer. In the northeastern parts of Skyghaim the temperature rarely rises above 10 celcius, even in midsummer which is reason for it's tundra terrain. Weather is windy and thunder storms are frequent all around the year but only the coastal region has any significant rainfall, due to the nearby ocean. Weather in middle parts of Dehzael, especially in the Swamp of Enmity, is very wet and temperate. Dethzael is located in weatherly very unstable area: winds blowing from west carry wet air from la ke Lokhmar, from north breezes north wind which carries cold dry air, strong mountain winds carry wet air from the large lake and finally mountains of eclipse block passage of both west and north winds. All these together are reason for heavy rains and storms which reside in the area. Average temperature in the area varies between -15 in winter to 18 in summer though it often feels colder because of frequent rains and strong winds. Northern and northwestern slopes of Mountains of Eclipse and especially large lake inside the moun tains are centre of these rains. Not only mountains are meeting place of all previously mentioned winds but it is also affected by winds blowing from the Gray Ocean. 2.7 Dardalon Dardalon has warm sub-tropical climate which has caused its fertile enviroment. Mountains in Darda lon's west side shelter eastern part of it from violent weather, although there is still a fair amount of rain near the coast. In these parts weather is sunny and warm most of the year which grants Dardalon long growing period. Pelnor and its surrounding area however are one of the most humid areas in world. Large rivers run through it, and the nearby sea causes heavy rains almost daily in the area. The monsoon is very active in the Pelnor region and causes heavy rains all around the year. Monsoon rains are especially strong in the summer when winds breezes from the sea. Average temperature in Dardalon varies between 18 to 30 though it rarely drops below 25 in southern jungle region. 2.8 Eastern Minartan Isles Weather in the northern of eastern isles, Lanuin, is quite cold and windy but it's still usually sunny whole summer. However winter in Lanuin is very cold and heavy sleet and snow storms are fre quent. Lightnings crack skies even in winter and heavy hurricane winds blow over the isle making weather very unhospitable. Hail storms approaching from north often carry large boulders of ice even to the southern parts of the isle. Average temperature in the Lanuin varies between -12 in winter to 18 in summer. Torell is smaller forest island located south-east from Lanuin. Weather in Torell is cold and win dy all around the year but is slightly less stormy than in Lanuin. However summers are more rainy and warmer than in Lanuin which is probably main reason for existance of Deciduous forests. While weather in Torell is still windy it is mostly sheltered from northern winds by Lanuin which makes winds more calmer in winter. Average temperature in Torell varies between -7 in winter to 24 in midsummer. The Reef isles, Beheran, Filas and Hamil are southernmost of the Eastern Minartan isles. Weather in all these isles is familiar to each other and generally is much more warmer and humid than in Lanuin and Torell but it is more changeable through the year. Winter and spring have more sunnier days than in autumn and summer. Temperature in the isles is kept fairly even by the sea, and rare ly drops below 10 in the winter though it doesn't go much higher than 20 in summer. The strong winds, especially from the north, keep the temperature lower than on the main continent. 3 CENTRAL WATERS Central waters concists of large sea areas between Minartan, Voran and Eldiron. Sea of Tears and western parts of Quiet Sea have very different weather from eastern Quiet Sea and Sea of Niral. Western parts have warm and rainy weather which is very stable having only weak winds or no winds at all. Then again Eastern parts, while they are also warm, have extremely strong storms and hea vy winds due the monsone weather. Temperature in the area varies between 10 and 60 degrees. 3.1 Sea of Tears Sea of Tears has tropical warm sea climate and thus one would believe it has also strong storms, however this is not the case. Weather in the sea and in the surrounding regions tends to be very rainy and also quite still. Often whole sea is covered in dense fog which sails from northwestern islands to wards Quiet sea where it dissipates. Previously mentioned rain is caused by large low pressure area that forms each night in the area when sea water keeps temperature warmer than in the surrounding continets. This causes winds which send rainclouds travelling in circular motion around the sea. Rains starts usually very quickly aftern sun decents and but withdraws in nort hern Voran and Quiet sea giving room for approaching fog which covers sea from sunrise to dawn. Rain has one speciality which is reason for the name of the sea, raindrops, which are very large and drop sparsely which makes it look almost as if the gods themselves are crying. Average tempe rature in the sea, Nemen, and other isles remains above 25 degrees through the year. 3.2 Quiet Sea Quiet sea is located between Sea of Tears and Sea of Niral. Western part of the sea has same calm warm rainy weather as in the Sea of Tears with lack of night fog as exception. Water in the Quiet sea tends to be slightly cooler than in both Sea of Tears and Sea of Niral because of many abys ses. This causes more rains in the west near Sea of Tears especially in midday but it also makes middle parts of Quiet sea very still, almost completelly unwindy. Temperature in this area usual ly varies between 18 and 25 degrees. This all changes in the eastside of Isles of Vram where waters of Quiet sea mix with waters of Sea of Niral. Isles of Vram are located in the climate buffet familiar to one between Sol'Daran and Arctic. However here two tropical weather front mixes with eachother making weather very hot and very unstable. Weather ranges from sunshine to raging thunderstorms and from windless to hurricane winds. Isles of Vram have one of the largest daily temperature differences in Majik, generally weather remains cooler when winds breeze from west or weather remains still and hotter when winds breeze from east or while stormy. Temperature in the isles varies from 25 to over 52 each day. Winters tend to be more warmer and stormy in eastern parts than summers. 3.3 Sea of Niral & Vestian Sea of Niral is a shallow and narrow sea area located between Pelnor and Ghalimcar. Weather in the sea is very wild and stormy most of the year. Niral is located directly in the area where winter monsone causes heavy rains and hurricanes. Cyclones and tornados are very common in the Niral area especially in winter when temperature difference between Niral and surrounding seas is most lar gest and when winter monsone breezes from continents towards sea. Because Niral is shallow it both warms and cools quickly though because of southern location temperature in the sea and surrounding areas varies between 25 and 40 degrees. 4 VORAN Voran is smallest continent in Majik. It concists of Marmundi in north, Tulmarun waste in middle and Naloor Thaan in south. Also two large isles, Djasim and Estrean, which have broken off from main continent belong to Voran area. Voran's most mysterious area is Black Waste which concists of Tulmarun, northern Djasim and southern Estrean. This area is under magical field which keeps weather in the area very hot and its high residentual energy is reason for dry lightning storms which are very frequent in the wastes. Marmundi and northern Estrean have humid jungles which are fed by rains approaching from the sea. Naloor Thaan and southern Djasim have warm and rainy savan nah climate. Temperature in the area varies between -10 (in mountains) to over 70 degrees. 4.1 Black Waste Voran's Black waste is the most desolate place in Majik. It's the result of a strong magical field but unlike the field in Sol'daran which keeps the area humid and fertile, the life has been sucked and burned out of this area. The Black waste consists of three separate areas: Tulmarun on the main continental mass of Voran, Ur Alif on the island of Djasim, and Estrean, the southern tip of the volcanic island of Vrammal. Because of the high residual energy in the air, the weather in the Black Waste varies between ba king heat and "Dry Lightning" thunderstorms of violent ferocity but no rain, caused by a mass of boiling black cloud which moves around the skies of the Black Waste. Temperature can sometimes reach 70 in some parts of the region but usyally remains "only" in 50 degrees. However part of the Djasim and Estrean have avoided effect of magical field. Southern parts of Dja sim have quite average rainfall because of winds carrying wet air from Sea of Tailwind though sun shines most of the year making climate quite dry. Temperature remains usually above 25 degrees who le year. Northern parts of Estrean are located in same climate buffet as Isles of Vram which makes weather very unstable and humid. Temperature in the northern estrean remains always above 30 deg rees. 4.2 Mantle Mountains Mantle mountains are located in western part of Voran. These mountains are quite low which makes weather warm and hot. Rain appears only in short autumn period in the valley of Eldacait which is surrounded by the mountains. Mountains in the Marmundi area are only places which have high rain fall because of closeness of Sea of Tears. Violent thunderstorms are common in the those parts fa cing Tulmarun. Temperature in the mountains remains above 30 degrees and only Eldacait valley has cooler temperature varying between 20 and 45 degrees. 4.3 Naloor Thaan Maloor Thaan is located south from Turmalun. Its northern savannah and lush deciduous forests are protected from heat of Black Waste by nearby sea and large lake which both raises winds that carry warm damp air in the area. Southern parts are heated by large volcano which keeps temperature in the area very hot. Wastes of Thjarr and areas around the volcano have often heavy lightning storms and black rain which is caused by ash coming from the volcano. Temperature in the northern parts remains above 20 and in southern waste over 35 degrees. However northeastern mountains are very high and are one reason for rains that reside in the area. This rain appears as water in lower areas but turns to snow in higher. Temperature in the lower slopes stays in 20 degrees but quickly drops below -10 degrees in the higher. 4.4 Marmundi Marmundi is a lush, warm, tropical area located in southern parts of Voran. Weather in the area re mains rainy all around the year because rains arriving from Sea of Tears. These rains appear as soon as sun raises and flow slowly towards southern regions where they dissipate when sun decents. Nights in the northern Marmundi are very hot and weather is standing and clear. This area has only weak winds that breeze from sea of Tears towards Tulmarun. Southern parts have less rainfall than northern parts because slowly moving rain clouds usually ha ve already emptied themselves in the jungles. Magical field in Black waste prevents clouds from en tering there and they usually remain in southern Marmundi whole night and dissipate when sun has arosen. Days in the southern region are very calm and weather is clear. Average temperature in Mar mundi remains above 30 deg rees most of the year and raises even higher near Tulmarun. Summers and winters don't have any difference in the Marmundi area. 4.5 Omnious Ocean and Sea of Tailwind Omnious ocean is large body of water in southwestern part of Majik. The Ocean is very deep and its waters dark cold when compated to other southern seas. Temperature differences between Sea of Tail wind and Naloor Thaan makes weather in Ocean stormy. The ocean is always covered with dark sinis ter storm clouds which are caused by ash coming from Thjarr and Gorr areas. Lightnings split skie often and black rain makes Ocean very unpopular and dangerous area. Average temperature in the Ocean remains under 18 degrees around the year because of eternal dark clouds which prevent sun from war ming the water. Omnious ocean is known of its whirlpools which can sink all ships that sail in the sea. From this dark gloomy area island of Gean raises like a beacon of light. Clouds cover above the is land and its surrounding waters has crack which allows sun shine directly in the isle. Gean con cists of spongy white basalt which is filled with water. This water both stores warmth and ref lects most of light in the surroundings. Weather in the isle remains always warm and gentle winds prevent it from being too hot. Rain is rare and when it appears it is warm and gentle. Average tem perature in the isle varies between 18 and 24 degrees. Sea of Tailwind is shallow water area between Voran and Eldiron. Sea water in this area is very warm and because it has both in its south and north side cooler seas it is very windy. Ocassional Ash clouds coming from Tragothar's volcanos cause black ash rains and heavy thunderstorms. Name of the sea comes from capricious winds with often form tornados that travel over the surface of the sea. Temperature in the sea varies between 26 and 42 degrees. 5 ELDIRON Eldiron is second largest continent in the Majik. Also Eldiron has its own climate specialities in the Ghalimcar desert which is located in northeastern part of the continent and in Tragothar which has large lava lakes and many active volcanos. However most part of the Eldiron concists of plains decidous forest and grass fields which have warm climate. Temperature in the Eldiron is quite high though most parts of it do not belong to tropical area. 5.0 Ghalimcar Ghalimcar is region located in northeastern parts of Eldiron. It is mixture of lush dark jungles an extremely dry and rigid desert. Most northeastern parts belong to monsone area and have great amount of rainfall and heavy storms that shake outer regions of jungles especially in summer when monsone winds blow towards to inland. However inside the dark jungles air is always hot and stan ding. Temperature in the jungle area varies between 36 and 54 degrees. Main body of Ghalimcar consists of large desert known as Desert of Brahjian. Weather in desert is extremely unstable varying from burning sun shine to raging sand storms. Mountain Chains of Barad and Harand prevent winds approaching from Sea of Niral and Sea of Tranis. However desert is cont rolled by some mysterious force which summons heavy winds from as far as Grey Ocean and causes hea vy sand storms that can grow so strong that they are able tear flesh off from living beings. This winds often carry sand far to the Lamarhen and even as far as Azure Lakes. Temperature in the de sert remains always above 50 degrees but can raise over 70 degrees. Those slopes of Chain of Harand and Bared facing towards Ghalimcar share same temperature and weat her as the rest of desert. However both mountain ranges are very high and often have quite thick layers of snow. Northern slopes of Harand often suffer full rage of summer monsone which cause hea vy storms and rains which appear as snow in high mountains. Winters in Harand tend to be more cal mer and weather clear because winter monsone from continent blows towards Sea of Niral. Chain of Bared is as high as its northern counterpart but has less rains making snow layer of the mountains thinner. 5.1 Thasia & Lamarhen Thasia and its pristine forests have humid warm and rainy weather in summer which is caused by sum mer monsone. Pristine forests are very thick and heavy monsone winds and rains are common only in northern parts. However closeness of Azure lakes and Sea of Tailwind cause rains all around the year in plains of Areon and southern Pristine forest and they exists mostly in autumn or winter. Average temperature in the north remains almost whole year above 20 degrees but drops in south whe re it varies between 16 and 29 degrees. Mountains of Umalin are mountain range in northern Lamarhen. They are quite low mountains and only highest peaks have layer of snow in them. Slopes facing towards Lamarhen have same warm humid weat her as in the rest of Lamarhen but northern slopes, like slopes of Harand, often suffer full rage of summer monsone which cause heavy storms and rains. However because weather is cooler in the southern Lamarhen rains and winds remain mostly in the mountains except when weather gets very hot in Lamarhen. Average temperature in the mountains varies between -8 and 24. Deep and cool Lamarhen lakes keep weather cool and damp in Lamarhen and in other areas around them. After sun has warmed surface waters of the lakes whole day glittering mist starts appearing in the evening. When rays of decenting sun hit mist it shatters in thousands of colors. This effect is es pecially strong in autumn and winter and especially in Azure lakes. Lake of Memories is surrounded by thicker layer of mist because of tiny sand parcticles coming from Desert of Ghalimcar. This ef fect rarely exists in midwinter which are time of heavy rains. Winds are common in surroundings of lakes but they are usually quite weak. Average temperature in Lamarhen and around its lakes varies between 18 and 26. Northern and southwestern parts have more warmer weather than middle and eas tern parts. 5.2 Gwelthor Gwelthor is a sub-tropical area located south from Ghalimcar. The land is quiet and peaceful, and the quiet sea of tranis washes up against the southern shore, bringing all it's warmth with it. Over on the western side of the region, a shimmering mist drifts over occasionally from the is land of Osthel, and the colder Grey Ocean brings its winds. The Lake of Petrels is cool and refres hing and it, together with Grey Ocean and Sea causes rains in the area. Weather in Gwelthor changes from time to time but remains usually clear around the year. Only when clouds arrive directly from Grey Ocean and Sea of Tranis weather turns to rainy in whole area ot herwise winds and hilly terrain break clouds before rain can exist. Rain appears mostly in sout hern slopes of Chain of Bared and tends to be slightly mo re common in winter. Average temperature in the area varies between 18 and 26 degrees because of cooling oceans. 5.3 Valiar & Areon Valiar is a beautiful forest area located in western part of Eldiron. Weather in the area remains sunny and calm around the year except in those times when gentle rain move over the Woods of Repen tance. For its location weather in the Valiar is very calm having only gentle winds breezing from Sea of Tailwind and Lamarhen lakes. Temperature in the area is always mild, not too cold or too hot. Temperature changes in the area are smallest in the whole Majik, only few degrees. Average temperature varies between 18 and 26 degrees. When one crossess river of Valiar he arrives in the land of Areon. Weather in the northern region is familiar to one in Thasia. Closeness of Lamarhen lakes causes rains which cool winds carry in fields of the decreased. Warm rain soaks with ash coming from the volcanos and when cool air hits together with warm volcanic ash clouds it causes extremely heavy thunder storms in the area. Ave rage temperature in the northern Areon changes between 18 and 26 degrees but raises in the fields of the decreased to over 30 degrees. 5.4 Nin'Calaris & Danheir Lamarhen lakes keep weather cool and damp also in Nin'Calaris. Weather in Nin'Calaris is quite sa me as in valiar except it has occasionally heavy storms. Normally gentle winds from Azure lakes and Sea of Tranis breeze across the whole area, they also cause refreshing rains from time to time but usually winds cause thin cloud cover to dissipate before it can form larger rain clouds. How ever when winds blow from Tragothar they sometimes bring ash and warmer air in the western regions which causes thunder and rainstorms which cause darkish rain because of ash. Average temperature in the area varies between 18 and 26 degrees. Danheir area has very strong winds and warm climate. Strong winds mostly breeze from surrounding seas especially from sea of Tranis and Sea of Flames. However area doesn't have much rain because of strong winds which break most of the clouds before they can enter in the area. This area has of ten rains but it doesn't suffer from ash because winds blow mostly from other directions than Tra gothar. Average Temperature in the area varies between 28 and 40. Northern parts have more cooler weather than southern parts. 5.5 Tragothar & Althainon Tragothar and Althainon are most southern of the known regions. Weather in the Tragothar and its wastes is always hot and dry because of large lava lakes. Whole area is often covered ash clouds which are fed by many active volcanos. Thick ash clouds remain in the area for high Cawing and Pu mice mountains block all winds that could arrive from the sea. Thick clouds efficiently reflect all warmth back to ground making Tragothar a hellish place to live. Average temperature in the was tes remains always above 50 degrees. Temperature can raise over 100 degrees in the ash clouds. Pumice and Cawing mountains are two high mountain ranges which cover the waste of Burning Ash. The se mountains have many active volcanos which from time to time erupt causing large temperature dif ferences in the whole Eldiron. When volcano erupts average temperature in the whole Eldiron and surrounding seas raises with 2 to 3 degrees for few months or so. Most volcanos also burst large ash clouds which winds coming from Sea of Tailwind and Sea of Flames pack against seaside slopes of mountains or over the Tragothar wastes. Ocassionally these clouds can travel futher in land or to seas bringing thunder storms, ash rains and hot air within. Needless to say, weather in the mountains is very dry and even highest peaks are almost complete snowless. Temperature in the mountains remains between -2 and 50 degrees. Gorr are is often under lava flows of erupting mountains which travel lazily towards sea. This ma kes weather in the area hot and closenes of Tailwind and Sea of Flames makes weather very stormy and windy. However Gorr usually manages to escape most ash clouds for heavy winds make them dissi pate quite quickly. Average temperature in the Gorr is always above 35 degrees. Also Althainon suffers often from ash clouds and thunderstorms. Closenes of southern Lamarhen la kes and sea together with hot air coming from Tragothar makes Althainon one of the most stormy places in Majik. Black rain storms travel over its flat terrain and whole area is often covered from sun by thick layer of ash. However, volcanic land in the area is very fertile and flourishes with quickly growing plants, quickly growing because thick clouds tend to kill all plants that re quire sun light and frequent black ash tornados tear vegetation from the ground. Weather near La marhen lakes and Nin'Calaris calms quickly and storms became rare. Average temperature in the west remains above 30 degrees but near lakes it remains close to 20 degrees. 5.6 Sea of Flames Sea of Flames is a sea area located south from Eldiron. It is in area which has heavy volcanic ac tivity and its water have speciality which is rarely seen in any other seas - water is so hot due volcanic activity and hot gasses that it is actually often boiling. Weather in the sea is stormy and very often rainy. Water has that same darkish color as eastern parts of Omnious ocean and Sea of Tailwind. Sea is also known of whirlpools which form due underwater earthquakes, whirlpools of ten (ennakoida) heavy volcanic eruption either in undersea or in Pumice mountains. Temperature in the sea varies between 50 and 80 degrees. Temperature of water remains over 30 degrees but eathqua kes or underwater eruptions can raise it to over 100 degrees. 5.7 Sea of Tranis The Sea of Tranis is a calm, warm sea, sheltered by a chain of volcanic islands which surround it, known as the Crescent Isles because of the shape of the chain. The waters are fairly shallow and have strong currents. Weather is windy but rain is rare because strong winds prevent clouds from forming. Average temperature in the sea and cresent isles remains above 30 degrees. Osthel is an island located between the Sea of Tranis and the Gray Ocean. It has warm, calm clima te and no no rain seems to ever appear in the area. Sun always shines, but still, especially nort hern parts seem to be covered in silvery mist or shadow. Average temperature in the isle remains close to 25 degrees all around the year. 5.8 Gray Ocean Gray Ocean is cool deep sea area located in eastern parts of known Majik. Weather in the Ocean re mains cool and cloudy even when its warm in nearby continental area. Winds are common and thick cloudcover remains always in the area but rain is rare in the ocean itself though it is common in nearby continental areas. Average temperature in the Gray Ocean remains below 20 degrees even in most southern parts. 5.9 Outer Sea Outer Sea is located in southeastern part of known world. Unlike in other large ocean areas, weat her in the Outer Sea is quite warm. This is because warm water approaches from both Sea of Flames and Sea of Tranis. Outer Sea is also quite shallow when compated to other large oceans. Weather in the ocean is windy and humid and it often has fair amount of rain which is more common in summer. Heavy storms are rare except near the volcanic isle of Borak which has often heavy thunder storms. Average temperature in the Outer sea and Borak remains near 25 degrees all around the year.
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