About the new 3D stuff

Subject: About the new 3D stuff
From: Jari P Saukkonen (jsaukkon@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 18:25:23 EEST


as it seems you 3D guys have a lot of questions and I have the answers
:). At the moment I'm at SIGGRAPH 2000 conference in New Orleans and will
be back at the end of july. I'll start answering the questions once I get
home and recover from the jet lag, be patient ..

++ dazzt

Jari Saukkonen + jari.saukkonen@cs.helsinki.fi | Coral
programming, music, keyboards, web, demos,  b5 | Nah-kolor
dazzt @ Majik3D RPG     https://majik3d-legacy.org | Majik

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