Re: Mostly for Hook

Subject: Re: Mostly for Hook
From: Kim Kunnas (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 12:38:49 EET

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Joshua Corning wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Beregar wrote:

> Good your beduin.txt is a mess :P

MUR! (but you are right, it's a mess)

> 384 days. But this can change i made a calander with months and shit in it
> here:

Well, I wanted overall history and length of year so I can compare things
to "standard calendar". Months are not essential since these are "major"
events happening in some year (some last more than one year).

> what ever. But i would like that mortals existed while the god war was
> going on. if they were created befor or durring i don't care it is up to
> you or someone. And what calander do you mean for year 0.  do you mean the
> brahjian one or the one designers use as a referance like i did for the
> mortal history?

Me too, actually all of my current plans and writing support the fact that
mortals appeared to world ~100-1000 years (whatever a year is) before the
end of God wars. I mean calendar for Eastern Eldiron (the areas which I
took to myself) but I want to use some "celestial" calendar, what is used
by the ancients or like.

- Beregar Dar'Eldath

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