Subject: Mostly for Hook
From: Beregar (
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 20:34:41 EET
Hook, don't typocheck that beduin.txt, I will probably rewrite it from scratch. I also made sort of todo for myself (check from my ftp if you have any interest) which will change a little. I hope I can take Cresent Isles for myself too, for I have some plans for all areas in Eastern Eldiron (Ghalimcar, Gwelthor, Zamurdi, Osthel, Cresent Isles and Borak). Does anyone have overall history done? I would like to know how many years before end of the God wars mortals came to world. Also, how long is "year"? I have to write general history for Eastern Eldiron (my areas) and it currently start from creation of the city of the ancients in Zamurdi, I'm planning to place either arrival of mortals or end of god wars as year 0. I also need to talk with Belemar (or whatever name he uses:) That's all, - Beregar Dar'Eldath
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