Re: Terrain object now 2 new textures and a new section.

Subject: Re: Terrain object now 2 new textures and a new section.
From: Jonathan Koehn (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 00:04:57 EET

Textures can be found here.

origon/textures/bark2.jpg and cover.jpg
new section deals with basic objects.
Also if you dont know what your polygon limit is for a certain object. Usually ask either Namhas, Harum or Dazzt :)

This is a list of terrain objects  also Please add more terrain objects to this list.
either with ideas or with models of them. Also we need textures!!
If youve done a model for terrain objects the polygon count needs to stay at 10 or below.
Also included is terrain textures. if infos wrong please correct it thanks :)
To determine polygon count make sure polygons are 3 sided then count.

Terrain Objects
1. flora
2. inorganic
3. dead branches etc.
@ not done

Objectfile                               polygon     textures            type      description
harum/../harumtree.?                 9              (0,1)               (1)
eleril/../pinetree1.3ds                10             (0,2)               (1)
eleril/../3plant.3ds                      6              (0,0)               (1)
eleril/../3smalltree.3ds                8              (0,0)               (1)
eleril/../4leaf.3ds                        4              (0,0)               (1)
eleril/../4plant.3ds                      8               (0,0)              (1)
eleril/../flower.3ds                     10              (0,0)              (1)
eleril/../palmtree1.3ds                26             (10,12)           (1)
           seaweed                       @             (0,0)              (1)
           rushes                           @            (11,0)               (1)
           cactus                            @            (0,0)               (1)
eleril/../firtree1.3ds                   10               (13,0)              (1)
eleril/../preciousstone1.3ds        10             (0,0)              (2)
eleril/../rock1.3ds                       8             (3-4-5-6)         (2)
eleril/../rock2.3ds                       4             (3-4-5-6)        (2)
eleril/../rock3.3ds                       8              (3-4-5-6)        (2)
eleril/../branch.3ds                     8              (2)                 (3)
eleril/../log.3ds                         10               (2)                (3)
eleril/../stump.3ds                       8              (2)                 (3)

Basic Objects
1. carried objects
2. Heavy objects
3. object on object

Objectfile         polygons         textrues      type            description
         book         @                 (15,0,0)         1

 Texture terrain objects size in pixels      seamless      alpha          description
0. Needs textures     
1 origon/../leaf1.png         256x256             ?              yes             decidous leaves
2 eleril/../pinebark.png      94x212              no              no              pine tree bark
3 mcduff/../rock1.jpg         256x256             ?               no               sandlike
4 mcduff/../rock2.jpg         256x256             ?               no               grayish          
5 mcduff/../rock4.jpg         256x256             ?               no               mossy gray-blue
6 mcduff/../rock5.jpg         256x256             ?               no               mossy brown-gray
7 mcduff/../rustrock1.jpg  256x256             ?               no               mossy brown-gray with rust
8 origon/../brick?.?          256x256             yes            no               gray bricks with white mortar
9        @   pinetreeneedles                         yes            yes              realistic pinetree needles
10 eleirl/../palmtreeleaves.png                    no               yes               palm tree leaves
11 eleril/../rushes1.png                             no                yes               rush plant
12 origon/../palmbark.jpg  256x256           yes/V            no                 realistic palm tree bark
13 namahs/../firtreetex.png 416x502           no               yes               fir tree branches and needles
14 origon/../bark2.jpg        256x256            yes              no                 a nice fir tree bark 
15 origon/../cover.jpg         256x256           yes              no                  book cover 
V=vertical =up/down
H=horizontal = side/side
if vertical and horizontal are mixed up please change them and tell me.

If you have terrain objects in your desc. Add them here if there not already here. If there not done in 3d add them like Cactus. Also please include a description or where to find it at.

Technique section.
Model tricks.
Top view/    side view/     front view/
                        ___             ___
     +                |_|_|            |_|_|          alpha mapped  for making circular objects like tree trunk 
                       ___              ___                  polygons (8)
      <|              |_|_|            |_|_|          for making circular objects like tree trunks (recommended)
                       __               __           over +     polygons (8) with top and bottom (6) without
    --                 |_|              |_|       alpha mapped   yes/no. sword blade
                        _                 _          polygons (4)
     x                 |_|              |_|        alpha mapped yes/no. illusion of coming out to a point   
                                                       polygons (8) (Eleril)(?)
 __|__|__         __               __
|__|__|__|        |x|               |x|          alpha mapped this method used in palmtree top. 
     |__|             --                --           polygons (16) (Eleril)(?)

  /--\              \/
/_^ _\           ___                                    This is a technique for doing tree leaves 3 planes in a                                                          triangle around the trunk having alpha leaves with branches.
                                                        polygons(12) for the planes. And the top is another leaf                                                          section using (4) polygons alpha mapped.

Some of these techniques have been gotten from other Majik3d artists and from other places
and some are my own. If you feel the technique is yours put your name by it :)
Also please add more Techniques/tricks
Texture tricks.                                                                                                 ___
1.Having the texture appear to come out the center to be more circular example is |_|_| this makes
say a 3 sided trunk look like its 6 sided.
2.Another way to get a angular object more circular is to use smooth also called (?) :)
3. Alpha mapping is a wonderful techinque.
4. Make your objects in 3d then render it to 32bit with a black background. To get a good alpha

If you have some more techinques please add them :) 
This way we should have nice models with good speed :)


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