Subject: Terrain Objects
From: Jonathan Koehn (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 22:39:23 EET
This is a list of terrain objects also Please add more terrain objects to this list. either with ideas or with models of them. Also we need textures!! If youve done a model for terrain objects the polygon count needs to stay at 10 or below. Also included is terrain textures. if infos wrong please correct it thanks :) Types 1. flora 2. inorganic 3. dead branches etc. @ not done Objectfile polygon textures type description harum/../harumtree.? 9 (0,1) (1) eleril/../pinetree1.3ds 10 (0,2) (1) eleril/../3plant.3ds 6 (0,0) (1) eleril/../3smalltree.3ds 8 (0,0) (1) eleril/../4leaf.3ds 4 (0,0) (1) eleril/../4plant.3ds 8 (0,0) (1) eleril/../flower.3ds 10 (0,0) (1) palmtree @ (0,0) (1) seaweed @ (0,0) (1) rushes @ (0,0) (1) cactus @ (0,0) (1) eleril/../preciousstone1.3ds 10 (0,0) (2) eleril/../rock1.3ds 8 (3-4-5-6) (2) eleril/../rock2.3ds 4 (3-4-5-6) (2) eleril/../rock3.3ds 8 (3-4-5-6) (2) eleril/../branch.3ds 8 (2) (3) eleril/../log.3ds 10 (2) (3) eleril/../stump.3ds 8 (2) (3) Texturefile size in pixels seamless alpha description 0. Needs textures 1 origon/../leaf1.png 256x256 ? yes decidous leaves 2 eleril/../pinebark.png 94x212 no no pine tree bark 3 mcduff/../rock1.jpg 256x256 ? no sandlike 4 mcduff/../rock2.jpg 256x256 ? no grayish 5 mcduff/../rock4.jpg 256x256 ? no mossy gray-blue 6 mcduff/../rock5.jpg 256x256 ? no mossy brown-gray 7 mcduff/../rustrock1.jpg 256x256 ? no mossy brown-gray with rust 8 origon/../brick?.? 256x256 yes no gray bricks with white mortar 9 pinetreeneedles yes yes realistic pinetree needles If you have terrain objects in your desc. Add them here if there not already here. If there not done in 3d add them like palmtree . Also please include a description or where to find it at. (Eleril)
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