Re: Design Postings

Subject: Re: Design Postings
From: kai (
Date: Sun Dec 12 1999 - 01:45:16 EET

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 22:32:34 +0200 (EET) Kaoru Shalamberidze <> wrote:
>On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, David Elias Villarroel wrote:
>> I had a question brough to me by a friend. Question: Can you smoke pot in
>> Majik, and if there are drugs!??
>Our current ideas say : yes. Majik doesnt have to be politically correct,
>we can be just as damn offensive we want to be :) our ideas include sex
>acts, red light districts, drugs and criminality, violence and general
>chaos and coppurtion :).. Just like in our beloved real world. It is as
>simple as this: if you dont like those things, stay out.

just my thoughts about the drugs subject: i think if some kinds of drungs are implented, then it should be that players should figure them selves which plants are narcotic and which aren't. this would, naturally, have nice effects on players who go and smoke the wrong plant =). 
  about those things mandor suggested: i bet most of those will develop by themselves, when the game opens for players. people aren't really going to change they ways of thinking when they 'playä the game. :)


kai 'kaid' talonpoika //

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