Re:Mirror (in summary of things decided)

Subject: Re:Mirror (in summary of things decided)
From: Mikkonen Jani (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 12:01:00 EET

Sinister Serpent:
| > Mikkonen Jani wrote:
| > >
| > > - Sinister brakes his mirror, demons enter the world. (I think Sinister
| > > like to add some story and tell what he or Yorkaturr did with these
| > > Could there have been several horsemans among those demons etc. etc.)
| >
| > If there is a need for a story of this mirror and the consequences of
| > breaking it, I could write something. Just inform me if it is needed or
| > not.

Well, there is that story what you told me year or two ago. Mandor should send
it to you. (add/rewrite/ what ever)
We definitely need stories and especially I am interested in those consequences
which happened when mirror was broken.

- Brethel -

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