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-- as it was released more than 20 years ago.
To create a new character type 'new'.
To visit the game type 'guest'.
Or type 'guest1' to visit as elf.
Or type 'guest2' to visit as human.
Or type 'guest3' to visit as something else.
Reload the page to restart if something goes wrong.
What is your character's name?
You are guest1.
You are born female Lindor elf. You have dashing dark green eyes and long
straight golden blonde hair. You are thin and weak, tall elf and have fair and
beautiful complexion.
Your father was Spiitia, a priest and your mother was Ooceetut, an
entertainer. Spiitia has died but your mother is still alive. You have one
brother and one sister.
You spent your childhood in the city and learned a lot from the local ruffians
who taught you that it is ok to be dishonest now and then.
Moving you to the city of Tanir elves, the Sol'daran!
The Swan Temple.
###...### You're standing before a huge wooden statue, sculpted to resemble
#.......# a swan spreading its wings. The marvellous woodwork and the sheer
..@...... presence of some divine force and holiness make you feel so small
......... and puny. A fragrance of herbs and flowers fills your nostrils
#.......# and you feel a little high. In front of the statue is laid food
###...### and wine as a gift for the god of Nature, Shinael. The temple is
lit by a fire burning in a pit at the center of the room. The
thick smoke rising from it escapes out to the skies from a hole
in the high domed ceiling of the temple. The ceiling is painted
full of pictures which tell the tale of elves in its whole
colourful length from the first steps of the elves to the recent
days of the forest realms. Four doorways for the four seasons
lead out of the temple to the city of Sol'daran. Weak storm going
west blows outside.
Obvious exits are: s, n, e and w.
A bulletin board for carving messages is here (empty).
Type 'help begin' to get started.
help begin
| l | look around |
| l me | look at yourself |
| n | move north |
| w | move west |
| s | move south |
| e | move east |
| u | move up |
| d | move down |
| who | who's online |
| ooc last | read messages left by others |
| ooc hello | say hello to others online |
| say hello | say hello to others in the room |
| say :gently hello | say hello, with adverb |
| smile | emote to others in the room |
| help commands | gives a list of commands |
| feelings | gives a list of emotes |
| adverbs | gives a list of adverbs |
l me
Guest1, the elf adventurer.
She is an adorable looking young Lindor elf female. She is thin and weak. She
has long straight golden blonde hair. Her dark green eyes are understanding
and adamant.
She is in excellent shape.
Her equipment:
say hello
You say in sartog, 'hello.'
The Swan Temple.
###...### You're standing before a huge wooden statue, sculpted to resemble
#.......# a swan spreading its wings. The marvellous woodwork and the sheer
..@...... presence of some divine force and holiness make you feel so small
......... and puny. A fragrance of herbs and flowers fills your nostrils
#.......# and you feel a little high. In front of the statue is laid food
###...### and wine as a gift for the god of Nature, Shinael. The temple is
lit by a fire burning in a pit at the center of the room. The
thick smoke rising from it escapes out to the skies from a hole
in the high domed ceiling of the temple. The ceiling is painted
full of pictures which tell the tale of elves in its whole
colourful length from the first steps of the elves to the recent
days of the forest realms. Four doorways for the four seasons
lead out of the temple to the city of Sol'daran. Weak storm going
west blows outside.
Obvious exits are: s, n, e and w.
A bulletin board for carving messages is here (empty).
l board
A bulletin board for carving messages has been left here. A small knife is attached to it with a silvery chain. [You can READ, WRITE and REMOVE messages on it]
It looks RIDICULOUSLY heavy.
It's in good condition.
The board is empty.
read board
Usage: read board <number>
read board 1
No such message.
You go 'DOH!'.
The Totem of Spring.
%%%...%%% Birds chirp happily and the sound of the wind hustling in the
%.......% trees makes you feel calm and serene. The fresh scent of nature
..@...... and flowers fills the air. A totem of an elf riding a majestetic
......... great white swan stands in the center of the square. The holy
%.......% swan temple welcomes you to enter it in the west and three
%%%...%%% leafcovered paths lead to north, south and east. Light clouds
move in weak storm going west.
Obvious exits are: s, n, e and w.
You hop around like a bunny.
help commands
General information:
who wizlist countries finger creator users
time date idle cpu
commands help
Game character information:
i eq slots health
score exp age explore money
skills spells guilds kills quests religions truenames
Environment information:
look blook peer map describe
smell listen taste weather
ask read scan
Environment interaction:
get drop put give fill bury
write remove wear wield
open close unlock lock
kill follow flee
use maneuver cast divine pray
stand sit rest sleep wake
n w s e
nw sw se ne
u d
User options and convenience:
brief nomap term set prompt
password surname email
alias unalias command uncommand
history ! rep
friend friends
Reporting bugs and ideas:
bug err idea typo
say whisper shout tell reply bell
introduce lang feelings adverbs
channels ooc
Type 'help 1 command_name' to get more information.
Type 'commands' to get list of all commands.
Guest1, the elf adventurer
Strength: decent Hit points: 100%
Dexterity: average Spell points: 100%
Agility: meager Endurance points: 100%
Constitution: meager
Sturdiness: poor Explore percent: 3%
Intelligence: very good Age: 98 years
Wisdom: fair
Willpower: excellent Race: elf
Charisma: good Subrace/tribe: lindor
You are seen as compassionate and carefree.
You are 196 cm tall and weigh 50 kg.
You have never died.
You feel refreshed and satiated.